

"The Highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life harmony with all existence" - Rabindranath Tagore

Our vision is to impart value based education with a message to the students to learn skills and life strategies for better survival and for leading a respectable and quality life with moral values as also envisaged in NEP-2020. Our vision is to equip mind-set for start-up and pick-up new challenges in the contemporary world. The slow learners and those coming from socially challenged environment will be given impetus to compete with rest of the world. Improvement in infrastructure, gender equality, quality education and creation of a harmonious society with moral ethics will be in the vision of the Institution.


"Education the mind without education the heart is no education at all" - Aridtotle

  • Strengthening the institution for its various infrastructures to create a state of the art teaching learning environment.
  • Providing quality education to the student for the emancipation of their minds souls through inspirational and moral lectures and their bodies through exercise, yoga and proper suggestions to maintain a sound routine in life.
  • Efforts for excellence in professionalism, Social Responsibility and humanism towards poor, woman, protecting state properties and environment.
  • To Train the students to understand the value of discipline, hard work , scientific temper and a better understanding of the environment for the conservation of natural resources, bio-diversity, heritage and culture as well as creation of a civilized society.
  • Providing platform and opportunities to the students particularly belonging to ST/SC/OBC AND weaker sections to explore their potentialities to emerge as better citizen withy improved life strategies.