

ABOUT National Service Scheme (NSS)

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It provides opportunity to the student youth of 11th & 12th Class of schools at +2 Board level and student youth of Technical Institution, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and University level of India to take part in various government led community service activities & programmes. The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service. Since inception of the NSS in the year 1969, the number of students strength increased from 40,000 to over 3.8 million up to the end of March 2018 students in various universities, colleges and Institutions of higher learning have volunteered to take part in various community service programmes.


The vision is to build the youth with the mind and spirit to serve the society and work for the social uplift of the down-trodden masses of our nation as a movement.


The National Service Scheme has been functioning with the motto “NOT ME BUT YOU” in view of making the youth inspired in service of the people and hence NSS Aims Education through Community Service and Community Service through Education.


  • 1. Understand the community in which they work.
  • 2. Understand themselves in relation to their community.
  • 3. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process.
  • 4. Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  • 5. Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems.
  • 6. Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities.
  • 7. Gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
  • 8. Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
  • 9. Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and Practice National integration and social harmony.
  • 10. Practice national integration and social harmony.

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